Vilous Fandom Wikia

Nakaba Tows Bus

Halves Silves, also nicknamed Nakaba is a Monster Sergal. To the right you will see him working his civilian job towing buses through the streets of Canada.

Nakaba is Married in Heaven to Rain and sent from Heaven as God's super soldiers to ancient egypt to investigate Heart~(h)'s source of evil. Nakaba was tricked into building pyramids and was betrayed by ancient egyptians who killed his wife and unborn child, coming for him soon after. These betrayers where luciferians and satanists who wanted to start the last world war.

If there was a Church of Jesus Christ with Sergals, Nakaba would be there.

So Nakaba Exists in the new age, fighting in the battles of the last world war, WW3. Cutting down baphomet statues, cutting down arches to baal, burning grooves, and doing all he can to remove the mark of the beast that has embeded itself in our psychy.


Rain vs Kugai

If people are crazy enough to find comfort in the baphomet, I am comfortable writing  about his attepts at an everlasting deception.

Jesus Christ is the way the Truth and the Life! All this is part of Nakaba's story.

Nakaba knows WW3 is literally a battle of angels against demons and this is why he chose sides. Because they killed him and his wife to start the war in the first place~ satanists and luciferians wanted their Love dead and for their deception to last, well every time they make Nakaba repeat history he remembers MORE. He will keep coming back until he helps Jesus Christ claim back every single soul that the baphomet stole!~
